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10_Neovare_Test Kit.jpg

Client: Neovare
Agency: Designframe Corp
Direction: Mahmoud Arafa
Design: Bashar Shash, Heba Mahmoud

A Brand Meant To Safeguard patient, doctors and providers trust and cooperation. Neovare is highly customer-centric and consistent in its initiatives and efforts in genomic profiling as illustrated by its prediction and prevention through precise diagnostic. The spirit of neovare can be synthesized its desire to earn and keep its customers’ trust through the impact of the high technology scientific system.


Hence the brand idea: Safeguarding trust through the feel of innovation in biotech. The keywords “neo-chance, neo-support, neo-tomorrow, neo-rigorous”, gives the core values, and transform the main emblem into several patterns and visuals which give a deep brand idea that reflects the spirit of the organization with a friendly, fresh, and tech-savvy personality, consistently delivered in every point.

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